Customer Testimonials

We always wanted to have fully done up Mitsubishi Evo and finally ourRead more Swastika & Shameel- West Auckland 26/02/2017
Excellent choice of vehicles. Ravi was very friendly and professional withRead more Rani- Wellington 22/02/2017
Together with my husband Richnal we were looking to buy car on financeRead more Parishma 22/02/2017
Thank you very much for selling this car to me for such a great price. IRead more Ashmeeta Singh 1/02/2017
Being just 8 months in New Zealand and new on Job, no one wanted toRead more Vivian 1/02/2017
I was looking to get a dream car - Mitsubishi Evo . I was introduced toRead more Krishneel - West Auckland 1/02/2017
Since I came know Ravi , JSR Life Motors Ltd I have bought 3 cars fromRead more Nilesh- New Plymouth 23/01/2017
I had always wanted to drive Black Toyota Rav 4,and JSR Life Motors madeRead more Daven - West Auckland 12/12/2016
I was recommended to Ravi of JSR Life Motors by a friend and he ticked allRead more A J Hawkins- West Auckland 24/11/2016
One thing I would say about Ravi is that he does what he says and neverRead more Lorima - Papatoetoe Manukau 28/09/2016
